Building Trust

As a privacy-focused company, UnblockVPN is trusted by our users to provide industry-leading protection through a combination of advanced technology and skilled professionals. Here's how we earn that trust.

Security at UnblockVPN: Our 4 Key Strategies

Discover how we prioritize cybersecurity to ensure the protection of our systems and users.

1. Strengthening System Security

The first line of defense is fortifying our systems. We employ a range of techniques, such as utilizing independently verified build verification systems, employing hardware security devices, and implementing state-of-the-art encryption, to make it challenging for unauthorized access.

  • Independent build verification system
  • Hardware security devices
  • Code review
  • Hardened secure shell (SSH)
  • Prompt application of patches

2. Mitigating Potential Damages

While we strive to prevent breaches, we recognize the possibility of motivated attackers penetrating our defenses. Therefore, we implement measures to minimize the potential harm resulting from an initial breach.

  • Embracing a zero-trust approach
  • Implementing zero-knowledge encryption
  • Secure design principles
  • Principle of least privilege

3. Reducing Compromise Duration

In addition to minimizing the impact of a breach, we focus on reducing the time attackers can remain undetected within our systems.

  • Continuous security monitoring
  • Automated system rebuilds

4. Validating Security Controls

To ensure that our software and services meet the highest standards of privacy and security, we subject them to rigorous testing and evaluation.

  • Internal validation: Penetration tests
  • External validation: Security audits conducted by third parties

Commitment to Innovation

As we strive to exceed industry security standards, we continuously innovate to enhance the protection of our products and users' privacy. Here, we highlight two groundbreaking technologies developed by UnblockVPN.

1. FightLocker: Elevating the VPN Experience

FightLocker is our custom-built VPN protocol designed to provide users with superior performance, reliability, and security. It utilizes the extensively scrutinized SSL cryptography library, including compliance with the FIPS 140-2 standard. With perfect forward secrecy and regular key regeneration, FightLocker ensures robust encryption. Additionally, the core library of FightLocker is open-source, allowing for transparent evaluation of its security.

Explore FightLocker further and gain insights into its technical workings through our dev blog, where UnblockVPN software developers share their expertise.

2. TrustBox: Data Wipe with Every Reboot

TrustBox, our VPN server technology, enhances user security by operating solely on volatile memory (RAM). By avoiding writing data to hard drives, all information is wiped upon each power cycle, preventing both data persistence and potential intruders. TrustBox enhances consistency and reduces vulnerabilities, as every UnblockVPN server runs the most up-to-date software simultaneously. PwC has independently audited the TrustBox technology, reaffirming its reliability.

For an in-depth exploration of TrustBox and its robust user protection capabilities, delve into our comprehensive technical analysis authored by our certified chief security engineer, who designed the system.